After a two-week hiatus, I have returned to my blog. The lack of effort put into this blog can be attributed to the overall disgust I feel towards my job search. This past Friday, I filled out an on-line application for a job at a local company. I met the qualifications and hoped I had a chance of at least being granted an interview--I received a rejection e-mail within 40 minutes. On second thought, I have never even gotten an interview at any point during my 3 1/2 month job search, so the optimism was ill-fated from the beginning.
Whining and complaining are poor character traits in general, but I am using this as an opportunity to vent my frustrations towards my job search. The most annoying aspect of the entire ordeal has been the difficulty I have experienced finding jobs that I am qualified for. My search has primarily been focused on entry-level positions, but when I read the requirements for these "starter" positions, I am informed that 2+ years of experience are required. How is it possible to ever get a start within a company if they expect the candidate to have previously worked in the same position elsewhere.
I am employed as a substitute teacher, but working in a position where you are:
a) waiting for a teacher to fall ill,
b) waiting for a teacher's child to fall ill,
c) waiting for a teacher to attend a conference of some sort,
the probability of finding a job each day becomes very low.
This will assuredly be one of the least enjoyable entries you will ever read.